
Subscription Plans

Join The Wirral Society

Join imageIf you would like to support our vital work as the the Wirral district committee of CPRE, please consider joining us.

Signing up online is easy and you can pay using a debit or credit card via PayPal – you don’t need a PayPal account to do this!

As a member of the Society, you will:

  • Receive our quarterly newsletter, ‘Wirral Matters’
  • Receive notification of all the Society’s annual events which you are welcome to attend
  • Be entitled to vote at our AGM

Voluntary-run organisations can never have enough members and we’re no exception! The more members we have, the more effect we can have on the decision makers who are elected responsible for Wirral’s environment.

We are particularly keen to attract younger people into the Society as they are without a doubt, the future guardians of our locality.

Before You Join…

Please be aware that the membership process is not automated and sometimes may take up to 2 weeks (due to holidays etc) to process, so don’t worry if you don’t hear from us the same day! You can checkout as a guest or log into your PayPal account to make payment.

If you are a current member of Cheshire CPRE, then you do not need to join us as your membership entitles you to membership of The Wirral Society!

1 year membership subscription for one person giving entitlement to vote at the Society's AGM.
Individual (Recurring)
1 year recurring membership subscription for one person giving entitlement to vote at the Society's AGM. This subscription renews every year.
This is a joint membership subscription for 2 people from a single household for 1 year.
Joint (Recurring)
1 year recurring  joint membership subscription for 2 people from a single household for 1 year. This subscription renews every year.

Other Societies

We also offer group membership to other societies and conservation groups on Wirral. If you are such a group, please contact us to enquire about membership as a society/group.