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About The Wirral Society
The Wirral Society is a voluntary (non-political) organisation dedicated to fostering a pleasant and sustainable environment in the Wirral peninsula.
Primarily, we campaign to protect Green Belt against urban sprawl. For example, we are passionate about retaining what remains of its farmland and its precarious urban green spaces and we are keen this land is used for food production, to.
We encourage tree and hedge planting schemes whilst supporting the work of other environmental campaigning groups which are active in the peninsula. We have a long history of responding to planning proposals across Wirral and encouraging good building design in both urban and rural settings.
We are linked to the Campaign to Protect Rural England and also act as its District Committee, being represented on its Cheshire Branch Executive.
Examples of Our Activities

Operational Details
The Society covers the area known historically as, ‘The Hundred of Wirral’, better known today as the Wirral Peninsula. This includes land under the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, the Borough of Ellesmere Port and Neston and (part of) Chester City Council.
We operate with a membership of subscribers under an Executive Committee that meets monthly. The Executive Committee is elected at the Society’s Annual General Meeting and comprises of elected Society members. Some of our Committee also represent other local Societies.
We thrive on feedback from our members (and non-members for that matter!) and keep our supporters updated about our activity via:
- Publication of ‘Wirral Matters’ several times annually.
- An Annual General Meeting and an Annual Summer Meeting.
- Three ‘W. Victor Smith Memorial’ lectures per year.
We are also a registered charity (number 252854) and our work is funded by gifts, donations and membership subscriptions.
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If you are an Instagram user we encourage interaction with others who love our unique peninsula.