The Committee

The day-to-day work of the Wirral Society is carried out by an Executive Committee.

The Committee Members are elected annually, they give up their own free time to help run the Society’s affairs, including dealing with casework, as it arises.

The Committee meets once per month, and considers any environmental issues affecting the Peninsula. New information is usually obtained from society members and Wirral residents making contact with us, or via the committee members themselves.

Our Committee Members

Chairman:Rod Tann
Vice Chairman: Terry Edgar
Hon Secretary:Heather Gill
Hon Treasurer:Cathy Bryan
Membership Secretary:Cathy Bryan
Press & Publicity Officer:Judith Railton
C.P.R.E. Rep:Rod Tann (Executive & Planning Sub-Committees)
Minutes Secretary:Bernard Liddy
Committee Members:Nicholas Hebson, Joy Hockey, Diana Lane, Alan Passmore,
IT Co-ordinator:Nick Lauro
Table of Committee members, correct as of February 2023